How to change Weebly site Language

Weebly is one of the website builder like wordpress, wix etc where we can design and develop a website without having coding knowledge. I have create a free website for my official website known as Online Tips Zone. We can build number of website on weebly with your required language so that it can reach specific people who are familiar to that language and country.

By default you will get English language when you create a free website in weebly. But the thing is you are going to target other language people instead of targeting English users. Then don’t worry there is an option in weebly that you can change default language with your preferred language. Follow below points and screen shots to know how to change language of weebly site.

weebly language change

  • Log on to weebly account
  • Choose your preferred website which you want to language for it
  • Click on edit site from your weebly dashboard
  • Now go through settings that you can see from top menu
  • Scroll down till you see site formatting section
  • You can see language change option at this section by clicking on English you will get list of language
  • Choose your preferred language and save it

Note: you can see search option in the drop down list of language so that it is easy to get your language by using search button

Like this you can change your website language in weebly with your preferred language to target specific people and different language of people.

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